At AVR, we start by assessing the health of your body of water. This involves inspecting your body of water for invasive species, and gathering other information to form a specific plan for your shorefront.
Once we determine that mechanical weed removal is necessary, we will bring our state-of-the-art amphibious excavator to your body of water made specifically for cutting, uprooting, collecting, and discarding thick weed beds and invasive plants from your waterway. Eurasian Water Milfoil , Hydrilla, and Alligator weed don’t stand a chance. Removing overgrown weeds manually is an extremely arduous and difficult task, but mechanical removal using our Boat is manageable. Our weed removal service is the quickest and most efficient way of cleaning up lakes, ponds, river, and your shoreline.
Come let us take a look at your lake or pond to make sure it is in a healthy condition. Our team at AVR serves Alabama, Tennessee, Arkansas, Georgia, Florida, and Mississippi. Contact us today to learn more about our mechanical weed removal methods.